Nov 18, 2004 13:52
I've heard it said that when looking for a mate, you should be like the person you are looking for. Not in the shallow-y way-- i'm not saying go dress like a hot guy or something.
Are you who you want to be?
don't just "accept who you are"!
do you have faults? FIX 'EM!
or at least polish up your good points.
I was thinking about my upcoming essay and a new concept to me is writing for your reader. I normally just write what i feel is important and interesting to me-- what i need to write about, what answers MY questions.
Really putting yourselfin someone else's shoes is the key to many things, i think.
that when you find something you stop looking for it
but what about
that when you stop looking for something you find it?
that movie "Swingers" which is the money, by the way
takes you through that transition of the breakup-- it seemed and i hoped that the guy would happily ever after get back together with his girlfriend and it was so sad and everything but over the course of the movie *I* actually forgot about her- like the main character did.
It is unhealthy to live dependant on someone else for happiness.
Yet so many girls all want that!
don't give me a look like i don't know because i have someone
yes, i have someone to share everything with, but do not discredit an objective point of view.
(and i was)
and i looked out today on this sea of bosoms shoved in my face-- i may take advantage of the sex offered me (but would you want to go out with me then?)
I would look for the face above the sex, the makeup, the games and lies and devices to ensnare people.
I'd look for someone who isn't wanting to be with me just to have someone, you know?
I'd want a friend-- a friend so close to me that I want to share everything with them. or at least things i wouldn't tell my other friends.
but you don't search for a best friend, do you??
have faith
when the time is right, (you will never expect it!)
you will find something wonderful
express who you are- the best of you!
try to get rid of your "false advertising"
what is really beautiful?
what do you really love?
clean up things in your life- why do you like the things you like? really edit things, you know?
I'm not saying i'm perfect
infact i'm mainly talking to myself
do i like things because i've always liked them and people expect me to like them? do i like things because they're just different?
now who am I?
that is who I truly am.