Jul 10, 2004 19:02
here are some bumper sticker i saw on beliefnet.com:
May the forest bewitch you
Jesus is Lard
America needs a faith lift
Nuke a gay whale for Jesus
Mommy, what were trees like?
O Lord, save me from your followers
Ankh if you love Ra
My Goddess is the mother of your God
Born again Pagan
Born once, that was enough
Isis, Isis, Ra, Ra, Ra!
The Christian right is neither
Want a taste of religion? Lick a witch (also) bite a minister
The force is like duct tape: it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together
I'm a Frisbeeterian: when i die my soul goes up onto the roof- and gets stuck there
Satan for President- why pick the lesser ot two evils?
Honk forty times if you're orthodox
Where am I going and why am i in this handbasket?
Jesus loves you! (everyone else thinks you're an asshole)
He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU got to hell
Righteousness: the unforgivable sin
Pagans do it in circles
I've been born again...and again..and again...
Most people want to serve God but only in an advisory capacity
Atheism is a non-prophet organization
Gay Nazis for Christ
Something Wiccan this way comes
If only closed minds came with closed mouths
Sorry I missed church, i was busy practising witchcraft and becoming a lesbian
Only sheep need a shepherd
If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?
Under republicans, man exploits man, under democrats it's exactly the opposite
(next to Buddha) Inquire within
American by birth, Irish by blood, and Celtic by choice
Not all who wander are lost
"Bother" said Pooh and reached for his book of shadows
Pagans make the best of friends: they worship the ground you walk upon
Heck is a place for people who don't believe in gosh
"God is dead."--Nietzche
"Nietzche is dead."--God
"They're both right." -- Gaia
come the rapture, we'll have earth to ourselves
Jeez if you love honkus
If god doesn't like something about me, let him tell me, not you
a zealot's stones will break my bones but gods will never hurt me
People who think they know everything are really annoying to those of us who do
so many oi... L8