I am having a bad day. I didn't go to sleep last night and instead of being tired i'm just woozy and cranky. Apparently Bri didn't go to sleep either so our crankinesses sort of clashed into one giant cranky that hates its own guts.
School is so confusing.. I'd liek to be a counsellor to help people decide what classes to take and how their schedule would be but certain FUCKHEADS keep changing their MINDS! < i'm like that one guy teacher from Daria with the eyeball that throbs)
No really, though, I was getting confused and frustrated and it probably wasn't anyone's fault but mine. I want to take lots of classes with Brian... but he doesn't want to take classes with me so much, at least it's not as important to him... why don't I want Brian to take acting classes by himself? Or ceramics? WTF? what is my problem?
this is me:
what's goin on? Jello!?