Title: At the very ports we blow (Part 4 of 5)
cryogenia Pairing: None (gen)
Rating: R (rating has increased)
Prompt: For
7stages, set 3, #4: "draw a line in the sand"
Spoiler level: Post-series, pre-movie
Warnings for this fic: References to ethnic tensions, both fictional and historical
A/N: Huge chapter is huuuuge D: One more to go (I hope)! (And
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And yeah, I dunno if Jean was coming on too strongly, but at this point, I think he's pretty upset. He's a guy, he doesn't really talk about feelings much or whatever...he is also kind of pissed cause you know, he had TRIED to tell Ed to stop being such a little dick. At the time, he hadn't been explicit enough, and er - chickens happened. Now he's stressed and pissed off, and you know, this isn't just Alfons and Ed's project here. The rest of the team is suffering cause the two of them can't get their heads out of their asses. Jean has been wanting to fix this for the past week and hasn't been able to.
Only thing there is, my mind keeps looping around the fact that while rocketry won't help Ed, it IS still Heiderich's dream -- but hey, there's a whole 'nother can of worms/conflict for your OTP if these characters ever do reconcile. That's something they could have more fighting/angst over: the fact that one day, Ed might realize he's been barking up the wrong tree all along, maybe even once he's close to helping Alfons realize *HIS* dream. *g* You know me. I do so love a good, interesting conflict.
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