Title: At the very ports we blow (Part 4 of 5)
cryogenia Pairing: None (gen)
Rating: R (rating has increased)
Prompt: For
7stages, set 3, #4: "draw a line in the sand"
Spoiler level: Post-series, pre-movie
Warnings for this fic: References to ethnic tensions, both fictional and historical
A/N: Huge chapter is huuuuge D: One more to go (I hope)! (And
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You wrote this installment particularly well; I can see why you are so devoted to it, and how it's paying off. The dynamics are so reallistic, and not every last little thing is discussed, put out in the open, and fixed, as it is with real life.
But thank you for clearing that up for me. :) ( I like being able to help, too.) :]
The other thing that's been eating at me though is Ed's friendship with jean: Jean doesn't seem too emotionally invested in Ed. Is that how that's supposed to be coming across? I wonder, if I could tell more of the backstory--how it had been previously--I could grasp what's being lost or strained in this fight. Could you help me out again?--Has my reading comprehension flat-lined again, and I am missing something you put in there? :O Thanks! :)
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