Title: At the very ports we blow (part 1 of 4)
cryogenia Pairing: None (gen)
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: For
7stages, set 3, #2: "effect of impact on stationary objects"
Warnings: Post-series, pre-movie
Author's notes: Special thanks to
sky_dark, without whom this fic would not in 23092309283 years ever existed. Posting Part 1 of 2 now, part 2 to come tomorrow cause a
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Okay, more coherent:
Seriously, when I started reading (and before, when you were talking about it), I had my doubts. Picturing Hei as 'arrogant' in any manner was just really hard to wrap my mind around (unless it was Heivy. XD), and I almost thought that maybe it wasn't going to be that great.
You totally, absolutely proved me wrong.
By the end of that, -I- wanted to hit him for being such a jerk! But at the same time you were able to paint Ed in such a light that his actions weren't quite justified simply by his own attitude towards things. I really cannot wait to see what comes of this. It. Is. Awesome. x)
You turn me in to such a fangirl. XD;
*goes to finish next part*
Not only is Ed a biased observer, he also has a tenancy to bring some of the behavior that others give him on himself.
So really, how much of that was also HIS FAULT?
YAYMORE! <333 *showers with love*
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