Title: Do Not Disturb
cryogeniaPairing: Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich
Rating: NC-17
A/N: For
fma_fuh_q. Warnings for fluff, sap (and omfg, since when did Hei/Ed become a fluffy pairing, anyway? O.o; Clearly this means I am the best forever.) But! At least this part is the pay-off XD;
Part 1Part 2 (
Do Not Disturb (Part 3 of 3) )
Much loves, dear. *huggles the Cryo queen*
Just keep making part 4, 5, 300... *Coughs*
I cannot get enough of your writing. Ever.
There's just something about the way everything -feels-.
It's more realistic than so many fictions out there, with Hei's guilt and worry...his mulling the consequences all while Edward is trying to, as per the norm, get what he wants in a backwards methodology laden with embarrassment without ever -asking-.
Much love.
Everyone's like, "don't waste your time with the movie", but hey, this is my fave obsession now, and I'll see it through, I'm the only one who decideds if it was entertaining to me or not.
But I shrug....right now, just waiting for more Pandora-ness!
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