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Sep 24, 2006 22:37

DisorderRatingParanoid Personality Disorder:Very HighSchizoid Personality Disorder:HighSchizotypal Personality Disorder:HighAntisocial Personality Disorder:HighBorderline Personality Disorder:LowHistrionic Personality Disorder:Very HighNarcissistic Personality Disorder:HighAvoidant Personality Disorder:HighDependent Personality Disorder:HighObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High
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As of late all this is true. LOL ^^

My conversation with an old friend of mine from highschool. We're from two different worlds nearly as he is apart of the army and I'm major in the slacker department. But I sprung up an interesting conversation , " So what other signs have you been with recently? Which ones are good in bed?"

And we both chuckle. We're both Cancers, him being a he and I being a she.

I say firstly, " I'm never dating another scorpio again... They were both -terrible- in bed and I don't think I need to experiment further on this one." We chuckle.

He laughs and says, " Yeah, mine wasn't really that good either."

"To think, they rule the genitals."

More chuckling.

So Rob, his name lol, mentioned off a few signs he'd interacted with Aries being one of the first, " Aries, those are fun for a little while."

I grinned real wide and nodded, " Aries, Oh yeah.. Oh-- yeah. They're really exciting, passionate, and good in bed. :)."

Ahahahaa! Go Aries!
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