I came across an aweosme discovery tonight. I do better at math while stoned. I have have my computer decked out to where I'm able to lay, or sit up on my bed and be veiwed on cam cam while getting high or doing studies. Not only can I do better at math while I'm high. But I can watch anime series I've seen before at the same time. I <3 pot. -=^.^=-
Butcha. I'm thinking anthropology or some kind of archeology. I want to fuck around with the mysteries of the planet. I really want to get into some sort of occult journilism. I know it's out there, but that's what I'm reaching for.
As for my job,
I told my manager off and vegence is yet to be cast. I marched up there on my period to find out my bank was closed, so then I marched back across the dangerous highway towards work and someone honks at me. I flick them off as I progress the rest of the way across the street and then glare at them with my pupils of hell until the light changed green and then could pull off in uncomfortable confusion. I continued to march to work. But this time my brow is hanging low and my face is red considering this is a relatively hot day at noon.
The first words out of my mouth breaking the silence, " My lawyer advised me to quit." I pull out my documentation of the two days I still haven't been paied for and place them up towards her face, " You didn't fix this. Fix is now or I'm going to fix it." "And that's not all, my last week's paycheck didn't get transfered into my account. I tried walking to my bank today but found out it's closed. It's Saturday... Now fix fix these. I am going to stand here and watch you do it like I should have the last time I came here to you with my last problem."
She hopped to and even got out the origonal work schedual for confirmation assuring me that she sent them in before. And starts to make herself panic and says things like, " Alice, calm down.. just, calm down."
"Calm down? I just ran across a highway to get here. I am calm."
"No you're not. You don't just barg in here.."
"Barg in here, did you just say barg? I'm not throwing a fit. I'm relatively calm considering the situation. This is my money we're talking about and I'm sure you can understand I'm not going to work and not get paied."
"You are throwing a fit."
"I can throw a fit." -low threatening tone-
"No, no, we don't need a fit."
I end up leaving he in silence, with the go to hell I'll get you when you sleep stare.
I still have a crush on that guy. No, not Steve.
I'm finally starting to get happy again too.
I get some time together to teach myself and be a little bit at peace.