Feb 19, 2004 15:49
Today I didnt go to school again because...I dont give a shit, its a no credit class and Im only doing it for fun. I will go tomorrow, though. Havent missed any photoshop classes yet. Instead, my mom and I went to the Goodwill for about an hour and a half. I wanted to go shopping, but she dragged me there, what a bitch. I also wanted to get a haircut, but...looks like that isn't gonna happen, either. I'm at least going to try to make her dye my hair tonite...The color she got is really orange, though...Not red like I usually have. It's like the same color as Dawn's. If I dye it this color, and get my hair layered soon, I might not have to get a wig for my costume. Wee! Oh yeah, we were gonna go to JoAnn's and buy patterns and fabric for my leeloo costume, but she wanted to go to Goodwill. I'll probably drag her there tomorrow, before or after class. She better help me with my costume this time. Tonite I have guitar...Wee. I'm bored of doing stuff. She still hasn't called the psychiatrist, though Ive been bugging her every day to do it. I need to get on some new medication. My dad called the VUSD today to see if they could talk Guajome into signing the school number on my CalGrants, but VUSD has no jurisdiction over Guajome. Stupid charter schools...So he called Penny the principal to see if she would sign off on the paper, CalGrants won't accept it without the school number, and it's worth fully 10,000 dollars, so we need it. My dad goes to great lengths to get shit done. If Penny doesn't sign the paper, he is calling the California board of education...If Guajome doesn't sign it, they could lose all their funding for not adhering to the VUSD rules. That would suck for them, so they will. It would be funny if my dad shut down Guajome, I would laugh. I don't even go to that school, and they still fuck me over, what a bunch of bitches.
My mom found my favorite belt that had gone missing. She is holding it hostage until I take all the band pictures off my wall...what a cunt. So, I'm going to go do that after I finish this entry.
Man, talking to furries from pounced.org pisses me off. I think I might withdraw from the whole idea of furry culture. There is too much of a high concentration of people within it that piss me off. I hate the people who message me trying to whore their shitty artwork, the 12 year olds who think being a furry is something new and unique, the people who think just because they are a furry, it makes them my friend automatically, the people who message me with some half assed attempt at roleplaying, the people who talk only in emoticons and animal noises, the people who think they are actually animals in human form, the people who think furry is a religion, the people who think fursuits are somehow erotic, and the people who think VORE is interesting. Goddamn, I hate these people. Ive already scared 2 of them off today by going off on them, when people I've NEVER talked to message me with HI ^_^ *HUGGLES!* it pisses me off. Go jump off a cliff.
Man, I get angrier every day of my life. I wish my threshold for stupidity tolerence was higher, but it's not. Oh well.
Speaking of things that I hate...I'm going to bitch about this shit on gay marriage, now. A lot of you will be pissed off at me, but I don't give a shit. Now as most of you know, I am a lesbian and very anti Christian, so this view may be completely out of place for me, but it's how I feel. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE. Church and state are separate, yes, so religion shouldn't be a reason for outlawing gay marriage. HOWEVER - marriage is being recognized as a couple BENEATH THE EYES OF GOD, it IS a religious ceremony, whether you think it is or not. People get married in a church, people get married by a priest or a rabbi or whatever, it IS a religious ceremony and it was set up as it is because of the BIBLE, which also says HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. Of course, you don't have to believe that if you are a homosexual or not religious, but that's how its viewed. If you want to have the same legal rights as heteresexuals, fine. You can have your own ceremony, but it should have no religious context, and it should not be called MARRIAGE. Because MARRIAGE IS BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN UNDER THE EYES OF GOD. You can have a civil contract, recognized by the state, and file your taxes together and get social security if you want, blah blah - But it's not a fucking marriage. And all the bullshit about this is going all over the news and people are so worried about this issue that they are forgetting some of the VERY IMPORTANT THINGS that are going on in our country. What about all the people in Iraq who are getting killed for no reason? Oh wait, there is a reason, but do any of you bother to find out the truth about it? No, because you are all too busy bitching about gay rights. Look at the bigger picture. Anybody can bitch about stuff like this, I don't see why so many straight people are up in arms about it, anyway. You guys can bitch all you want, but I'll be amazed if any of you do anything past that. Bitching takes no time or effort, but actually doing something to change the way things are takes time and effort that most people just aren't willing to dedicate to their cause. Liberalism is ruining this fucking country, what happened to having morals? When are you going to draw the line? Why is our country allowing things like NAMBLA to pop up? Some things are immoral even if they aren't illegal, some things are both. Child molestation is fucking disgusting, and wrong, and anyone who thinks it's normal should be shot so they don't rape children. The priesthood got away with it because they are in a position of power, any normal people would go to prison. We can't continue having double standards - Liberalism makes no damn sense. Gays can have their rights, but just as they have their rights, people should be allowed to have their opinions on it. If you don't hold the popular liberalist view, you are immediately tagged as a racist or homophobe or various other derogatory terms-When in reality, you just have morals and beliefs, just as the liberalists believe in their cause. We have to have some restraints. We have to know when to say no. Equal opportunities means equal opportunities in all things, what happened to free speech? Nonexistant, better move out of this country before it's illegal. Also, I hate Mexicans.
Man, I went off on a tangent, but goddamn. People bitch about stuff without really thinking about what it is they are saying. This is just a fad, find something else to complain about.