Aug 16, 2005 19:32
Ok Cedar Point kicked ass... there were these girls behind us and they were trying to get the number of some random guy behind us and it took them like a half hour to get it and they called him. Then he tried to get their numbers and it was a big mess, It was soooooo funny. Then on friday I did nothing.. Saturday, Diana and Joey came over. We finally got the first level of Dark Cloud done lol as Diana said, only 249 to go!! lol. and we had doughnuts yummy lol. Then after they left, Paul came with me to my "aunt and uncles" for their annual pig roast. That was ALOT of fun too. Then I went and stayed the night at Jens. Sunday, I went up with them to the cottage for her grandma and grandpa's 50 annaversary. We caught 2 frogs. It was fun. Then Monday, Paul came over and we went to his house and he was playing God of War. One of the most violent games ever. Its a very... interesting game. Today I went to Diana's because it is her birthday and I was there all day. We played video games!! yay!! Lots of Dark Colud and Full Metal Alchemist and Legend of Zelda and Mario and Luigi and Mario tennis.. Luigi pwns majorly. On Full Metal Alchemist and one of the guys Diana was chasing was called "guy with crank" and I looked at it too fast and thought it said "guy with crack" so after that we kept saying "hand over your crack!" lol it was SOOO funny. Woots! lol. Im a loser. And we had ice cream cake. Yummy. And we played Simpsons jeporday. Let me say, as the niece of the #1 Simpson fan in the world, I did awful. *shakes head* It was really pathetic. lol. But fun! Weeeee! So with this I leave, off to play video games of some other form of entertainment. Comment if you will and if anyone knows how I can change the thingy that says "comment" or whatever and can help me, that be sweet.
Love all~ Jessi
I love Paul