The Vampire Diaries: Caroline/Elijah: Teacher

Jan 19, 2011 12:52

Title: Teacher
Author: mistress_britt
Fandom: TVD
Characters: Elijah/Caroline
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, work of fiction is.
Summary: They form a bond.
Author's Notes: Reviews are nice. Written with inspiration from tvd_rareships Fortnightly Pairing Pimp: Caroline/Elijah

Her golden hair is like a streak of sunlight against the dark sky. She’s been able to move fast since day one as a vampire, but Elijah’s taught her to move with grace and agility. The wind whips against her face before she tackles the human to the ground.

“Much better,” Elijah praises as he steps out from between two trees.

“Thanks,” Caroline smiles as she keeps the struggling human pinned beneath her. She’s always had the strength; Elijah has taught her how to use it. It’s easy to throw humans around and slam them into walls, but it tends to kill them more often than not. She patiently (another lesson she has learned from him because everyone knows that Caroline Forbes doesn’t do patience) waits for him to tell her what to do next.

“He’s your reward,” Elijah says simply and Caroline doesn’t waste time sinking her fangs into the drunk human. She feeds with much more grace now. She no longer splatters the blood all over her face. She drains the very last drop.

“Very good,” Elijah smiles and helps her stand. “Time for you to learn how to take care of a body.” He’s been taking care of their kills for the past six months now.

Caroline gives him a pout. “But…”

“No, Caroline, you have to learn,” Elijah tells her seriously. He’s been around since the beginning of time and no cute little blonde’s pout is going to make him falter.

“Fine,” she huffs.

He has her carry the man’s body deep into the woods. They’ve picked out a local drunk who is known to disappear for days and it will be awhile before his body is found. He teaches her how to make it appear as if he, in a drunken stupor, had tripped over a rock and split his head open. It involves Caroline positioning the body into awkward poses and splitting open his skull. It makes her feel slightly queasy. Sure, she has no problem ripping open throats and sucking bodies dry, but bashing open a skull makes her feel human again in her emotions.

“Caroline, it is for our protection,” Elijah reminds her gently. She still finds it eerie that he can read her so well, yet it is oddly comforting.

“I know…it’s just going to take awhile to get use to,” Caroline shrugs and looks down at her blood stained hands. Her face changes and she focuses to return to her human face. She likes this little trick that Stefan taught her. She knows he wouldn’t approve of the choices she made after graduation. She wonders if her mother is still looking for her.

Elijah takes hold of her stained hands and kisses her. He never expected to be so taken with this young one, but she’s proven to be very interesting and alluring. She needed a teacher and it had been awhile since he had a companion. Caroline could be whiney, pouty and downright grating at times, but he tries to be understanding. It couldn’t have been easy to be a pawn in Katerina’s little games then have your mortal life ended at seventeen. She still cries over her mother’s rejection.

Caroline’s arms wrap around his neck and he can feel the blood staining his shirt. She’ll make up for it.

“Time to go, little one,” he whispers against her pink lips and they leave the night behind in a faded blur.

het, caroline/elijah, pg-13, the vampire diaries

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