Title: Marriage
mistress_brittCharacter/Pairing: Nickie/Margie, though they aren’t paired up in this one.
Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, work of fiction is.
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Notes: Reviews are really nice. Spoilers for the first episode of Season Two. Also a question for the watchers out there, is Margie still pregnant
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Comments 4
So true!
I bet Nickie would be super pleased if Margene showed some more initiative.
I have NO idea if Margene is pregnant. I though they said that it had only been 2 weeks since the governor's mansion but there seems to be a baby around that I had never noticed last season so I'm no sure.
I remember her being pregnant because she told everyone after she passed out on the lawn during the fist season. I believe that baby is Margie's youngest...Lester? or Aarron? lol I'm not sure of his name.
that really captures their relationship. I love your focus on their marriage and the complex dyamics it entails.
there's an unmarked POV shift from Margie to Nickie, though, just FYI.
re: pregnancy, Margie announced that she was pregnant last season when Nickie was trying to get pregnant, right? she had the two babies all along, so I'm assuming she IS still pregnant at this point. you'd think they'd have mentioned it, though.
Yeah, you're right, I try hard not to do that, but oh well, lol.
Yeah I know! I mean with all the craziness going on you think Margie would be demonstrating pregnancy symptoms or worrying over the baby.
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