RPH: 024-Writer's Choice/Sushi: Diamond Ring

Jul 16, 2006 15:08

Title: Diamond Ring
Author/Artist: mistress_britt
Character/Pairing: Criss Angel/Cristina Scabbia
Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, work of fiction is.
Prompt Table: http://cryingxxblood.livejournal.com/35712.html
Prompt: 024-Writer’s Choice/Sushi
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Lots of fluff!
Word Count: 282
Author’s Notes: Reviews are really nice.

Tina slipped her arm through Criss’s and gave him a little smile. Something told her that this dinner was going to be more than just a dinner. She had a feeling that she was going to remember tonight for the rest of her life. The hostess showed them to their table and Criss, being the gentleman that he was, pulled her chair out for her. Criss ordered for them and gave Tina this smile that made her raise an eyebrow.

“You’ve got something up your sleeve, I can tell,” she told him.

“I’m a magician, I always have something up my sleeve,” he teased.

She gave him a playful eye roll and poked her tongue out.

“Oh no, you’re not going to do some crazy trick in here are you?” she asked worriedly.

“No, I promise you, no tricks, no stunts tonight,” he assured her.

Tina let out a sigh of relief and took a sip of her water. The waiter bought their order and Tina picked up her chopstick, selecting a California roll, which was one of her favorites. Criss didn’t say a word, he just watched her eat. Tina made a face when the bit into something hard. She took the hard object out of her mouth and stared at it for awhile.

“Criss…why…” she started to say before her cut her off.

He took the diamond ring out of her hand. He cleaned it off with his napkin and slipped it onto her middle finger.

“Cristina will you marry me?” he asked her softly, looking into her eyes.

“Oh my God, yes!” she grinned, rushing over to him and curling up in his lap, giving him a hard kiss.


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