Yesterday, I wanted to check out a movie. It was about 8:45 PM, and I could still make it to Albertsons to see if in their limited selection they had the movie I wanted to check out (Elephant). But, I quickly decided to just go to Target and skip looking at Albertsons, because of their horribly tiny selection. Target didn't have Elephant at all, even though they once did carry it. The movies were picked over, and it was hard to find a title worth buying. So, we eventually left Target, and went over to Hollywood videos. I planned to first scan the previewed movies for sale, and then, if I found nothing worth buying, look at the movies for rent. Blah blah blah, I looked at the movies for sale, decided to do their deal, which is "buy three for 25 dollars", scanned the movies for awhile, finally decided to get Dogville, Elephant, and Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I almost got Saved! instead of Dogville though, but decided not to because it was 13 instead of 15, and my mom doesn't approve of it. She thinks that Many Moore has gone anti-christian. Anyway. I watched Elephant (which I thought was ok and sort of interesting up until the end - and what do you know! Diane Keaton was a producer! Or something like that), and then Dogville. Wow. Dogville is amazing, and even though it isn' really the sort of movie you watch over and over again, I'm really glad I got it. If I were to recommen between Elephant and Dogville (which I'd like to say are similar in an aspect or two, or could be placed in a similar genre/category), I'd definitely recommend Dogville over Elephant. I haven't seen my eternal sunshine movie yet. Ok. Sorry for the boring entry. Just watch