Here is the thing..

Oct 13, 2011 00:24

Once again I am living my life backwards.

I know what my passions are. Writing, Signing, Fundraising (mostly CF related) and the Hospitality Industry. I am my most alive when I am doing either of those. Most people go through different careers until they figure out what it is they are passionate about.

I already know.

However, here I am, working somewhere that fundamentally has nothing to do with my passions.

But, I do like my job. I love the whole vibe of the company. I love the diversity of the other employees. I love the great work ethic and true devotion everyone I work with has for what they do. I enjoy the sense of team work and having one another's back. It greatly reminds me of the restaurant industry. One huge dysfunctional family that is perfect in every imperfection. I am happy at work.

I am fortunate enough to have Deaf co-workers so I am able to indulge in one of my passions in day to day conversation. My employer supports and takes part in several different fundraisers through out the year, which gives me the opportunity to participate in things that mean a lot to me.

Someone I greatly admire told me "everything happens for a reason" (and no, it was not John Mayer) and I though have always believed that, hearing it made it more concrete. I think of those words all the time and am curious to find where my current path may lead. I can't help but believe this will take me full circle in some way- a way I can't even begin to imagine- and I will end up right where I am meant to be.

My struggle is always enjoying the 'meantime'. I must work on that.
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