I accept it, no one else will learn too

Mar 17, 2004 15:52

So yes.. yesterdays fun filled day.

Brit calls me up right when the bell rings, and informs me that she wont be coming to school b/c smoke started coming out of the hood of her car. I refused that she stay home so i told her I would go and pick her up.

Brits poor camry.

We decide. Fuck it. lets not go to school. I tried calling up Brudda to see if he wanted to hang out with us this fine day, but no answer. We are bored, so blah lets go to frisco. Our destination is China Town, but no idea how to get there. We go online and ask people. We ask Matt and he says he knows his way around there and he has nothing to do, so the poor bugger tags along. Finally Brudda calls back and we can no longer hang out with him.. sadness. I KNOW.

Brit and Myself like to listen to britney spears, with the a/c turned on full blast so then wind blows in our hair. its more sexier.

we got to our destination. it was hot. no one wanted to run through pigeons with me. walking up hill stinks when it is HOT. But still GOOD CLEAN fun :D.

The ride back was much more fun and exciting than the ride there.

All three of us going through a tunnel. HOLD YOUR BREATH AND MAKE A WISH ASSHOLES! Nay is holding the money for the toll.

so that was our fun yesterday.

As for today...

In Fitness our favorite activity is Bad Minton ( I spelled it wrong in the earlier entries, I know i know.) but anyhow...

Nay and Alyss were duking it out on the Bad Minton battle field, and they lost the shuttlecock in the bleachers, which I for some reason had to retrieve. :| let me tell you, NOT fun.

so Nay and Alyss continued their intense game...

As you can see NayNay gets a LITTLE too carried away with it. Luckily I got her signature moves caught on film.

Afterwards it was my turn and me and NayNay played some bad minton.

At times the shuttlecock tends to go haywire, me and Nay go for the shuttlecock at the same time...

AND BRITTANY JACKSON IS DOOOOOWN FOLKS! I come and tend to her hurt fore head which I accidentally wacked with my racket. sorry kiddo. its a tough sport, this is the price to pay for such a brutal game.

Brittany Jackson is a strong woman.

And that ends my story.
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