(no subject)

Mar 25, 2008 13:06

I really haven't been good about updating this year. That is probably because I am rarely near my computer for doing things other than checking my email and doing work. So much work.

Work and concern for work seems to be a common theme among all of my friends out there on lj. Is it me or has everyone seemed really depressed for various reasons this semester?

I am exhausted. I got back from LA a few days ago and the integration process is not going as easily as I had hoped. Still, I have a number of days before I need to go back to school for classes so that's good. And friends will be associated with in the coming days which is also nice. I would just rather curl up and sleep through the year right now. Which is no good. It's complicated because I want to be left alone to my own thoughts but I hate my brain because it never seems to shut off when I'm by myself. But I need to get work done.

Waco, Texas is a rekindled passion for me. I hope it continues and that my 3 vol. brown paper books are at the library when I go tomorrow. It would make the paper way easier to have those. Even though I am far away from figuring out how the paper will be structured or written in a way that lives up to Chris' expectations.

Right now I need to go write on whether or not Milton was able to justify the ways of G-d to men. Or at least outline the paper.

Life is good, otherwise, things are falling into place. It's unfortunate that tuition etc went up AGAIN because it is making my living on campus even less likely. We'll see how it goes with housing numbers. And maybe I can create a good case for my parents despite the house costs. How can it possibly cost nearly 9,000 dollars to live on campus? That's an obscene amount of money. I realize SLC has no money but going up in tuition etc makes no sense to me.
So you have x number of students on financial aid who get x dollars a year to help pay for school. You raise the housing/tuition so therefore you have to adjust the financial aid for those students. So whatever money you may be making on the higher tuition is being paid out in higher student aid? On top of the risk of loosing students who were paying at least part who can now no longer afford it?

It's all confusing.
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