Nov 12, 2007 22:22
So I went to the doctor today and got a list of things done.
First I had to get the third and final gardesil {sp?} shot.. The nurse gave me a snow white bandaid :D
Then the doctor came in and it turns out that my new doctor is mr. novitt's wife so that was interesting..
So we talked about my headaches.
And we got my perscriptions refilled.
And I'm back on concerta/adderal {can't remember which}
And then we talked about my hand issues.
As it turns out, since it was my ring finger and pinky going numb, it ISN'T carpal tunnel! Carpal tunnel is for the thumb, index and middle finger. The nerve that runs to the pinky and ring fingers is from your elbow. Of course, this then led into why my joints always hurt so I had to go to the lab so that they could take blood to test and see if I have juvenile arthritis...
First the girl stuck me in my right arm and she couldn't get it.
Then she tried my left arm and it didn't work. So she had another girl come over and that girl stuck me again in the left arm and after like, five minutes of moving the needle around, she FINALLY managed to hit the vein.
And now I have to wait until they finish the damn blood tests.