Other than the panic attacks, I guess my week wasn't too bad. I got to see Justin Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday :)
We hung out with Emma on saturday and were at my house first then back to hers.
I went over to devin's house earlier and we dyed eggs. We used Dye AND vegetables! You can boil certain vegetables and then put the eggs in them and they turn certain colors! It's so fun.
I stayed over for dinner so I got spaghetti. At one point, I was turned and talking to Dev and her mum and the kitty had got up on the table and meowed and swatted at me and was totally like, "EXUSE ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" lol
Came home and now I'm bored.
Really need to get that damned paper done but I just...don't have any motivation/determination/discipline or whatever I need to write it all.
Gah, I'm so going to fail >.<
On a more interesting note...The tips of my fingers are random colors :P
Oh, and in case yer wondering why we're dying eggs now even though Easter is like, 1-2 weeks away... It's not for easter damnit! Ostara is on Tuesday ^-^
And since I know like, none of you but DevDev know what Ostara is, I have a linkie for ya!
Click Here! OMG! This amuses me SO MUCH!
The word "heave" means to puke your guts up, especially after a long, hard night drinking...let's conjugate the verb heave.
1) Heaver- someone who heaves;
2) Heaved- past tense of heave;
3) Heaving- present tense of heave;
4) Heaven-(slang) present tense of heave...or the Christian version of the after life.