Just got home from the mall.
I went and saw Superman Returns with Tori. It was a pretty good movie {even though I'm not a comic book freak like Tori! :p} There was lots of Destruction and booms.
Kat loves Destruction! <3
Monday was Justin and I's 7th month anniversary. =^.^= <3
We hung out with Ellen and her friends and, ignoring all the issues, Ellen eventually got a tattoo.. {Look at the piccy below}
Tuesday and Wednesday I just kinda laid around the house and slept and did nothing else worth mentioning. {well, I did watch A man Apart and War of the Worlds those nights, good movies}
Justin came over on Thursday and we hung out and ended up watching American Wedding Unrated and Meet the Fockers. Both good movies too. We had to go help his family move furniture afterwards but I didn't care 'cause I still got to be with my Justin. <3
Before I went to the mall/movies today with Tori, I was just laying around the house sleeping, like always ^^;;;
Lost the good mood I had though because mum bitched at me in the car on the way home about how I need to get a job 'n shit >.<
Ah well, gunna go take a nap now 'cause I've got a bit of a head ache... Be back around 12:30, as always!
Much Love,
Kat <333