Feb 23, 2007 10:31
And so this is day 2 of my experimental "quit smoking for 40 days" idea.
it's torture.
and not the kind like when you're really hungry but you have to wait hours to get food.
no, that torture had satisfaction at the end of it's annoying path.
this one does not. this is because if i last the 40 days (and i wont technically because i'm making an acception for spring break and St. Patty's day) I should be over the enjoyment of cigarettes! And then I know that everyone will say to me "well why dont you just quit then!?" and this will bother me greatly... because I dont want to quit. I just want to prove to myself that I can without any help still.
And if I cant do it... then i have to consider actually quitting. That's the purpose of this exercise.
So please, no one judge me about only quitting for 2 months. Also, please no one tell me to quit for good. because that is my decision to make. Also, please ignore my shortness... it's the lack of nicotine. lol
Right. so on a distantly related topic I just finished an excelent book (and yes Rebekah, I cried at the end). Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff. To those of you who enjoy amusing skewed versions of the Christian religion I HIGHLY recomend this book. That means YOU Moondoggy! It reminds me v. much of good omens, but it's about a different story.
But the problem is now, that I dont know what to read. Maybe when I go home I'll find something I ment to read awhile ago... Or maybe I'll just go to Barnes and Nobel and use that wonderful giftcard Ally gave me.
Bahh! My methods of intoxication have left me high and dry. I can afford neither booze or herb, my book is done, cigarettes are gone and I'm BORED AS HELL. I played DDR so long last night that the cable box looked like it was coming at me in waves. But I also got a 180some combo during the workout mode. that was nice i guess...
I had a really nice dream last night of some mystery guy who liked me. Sadly he isnt a real person and he was kinda dumb in the dream. I left my home to go to class and didnt bring a jacket warm enough. So this kid intercepted me with 3 of my hoodies, my scarf and my peacoat.
I think the symbolism of that is that eventhough i think i want a realationship, it would smother me. DUH DUH DONE!!!
Well anyway. I've managed to keep typing till it's time to get up and go to my next class. Hooray for film history! ^_^.
Keep Dreaming In Color,