Aug 02, 2003 04:11
Day 1:
Alright... I'm pretty tired but I figured I should update tonight otherwise I'll probably never ever do a detailed one, lol.
Sarah's reading her History of Rome book next to me and I'm tempted to keep peeking over at it and I just wasted lots of time on quizzes....and i'm having trouble seeing but LETS TRY TO FOCUS FOR FIVE MINUTES!
I'm having a blast so far. Yesterday when I looked out the window and saw Barad-dur (the batman building) from the plane and we touched down i let out this odd little yelp sound, and wondered where the hell it came from. Even though Nashville kinda sucks and theres nothing to do at night and the mosquitos are scary and theres a Walgreens every 3 blocks and no vegetarian restaurants, every time I come down here it feels, in a weird way, like I'm coming home.
Since Sarah and I are such practical and responsible people, we totally didn't even pick a spot at the airport to meet each other at, and were just kind of like "yeah, whatever, we'll find each other" I paced back and forth for around 15 min and then we did eventually run into each other.
We drove oever to pick up Leslie at work and met her co-workers and stuff, i played with some toys -- and then.......... it was time to go surprise Emmy :D
My idea was making her and AL come outside and close their eyes and i was gonna pull my pants down and moon them and thyen when they opened them they'd just see my ass in their face, but eventually we settled on me hiding in the trunk. It was really hot in there...
Emmy was in the shower when we got there, so we surprised Al first, then Lindsay, but I wanted to wait and haev emmy see me in the trunk also.
I forgot how fucking long Emmy's showers are. So i was laying curled up in that hot sweaty trunk for like a half hour, but it was worth it to see her expression when she finally opened it. Climbing out of the trunk and finally getting to give a proper hug to all of my girls felt indescribably wonderful.
First thing we did, as always, was go eat. We went to the spaghetti factory, which i'd never been to. Despite hearing them rave about it all the time, I wasn't too excited because I never really like restaurant pasta and I"m a lways really critical of it, but It turned out to be really good :D
Best quote from dinner --
Sarah: What is this, genitals?
(you had to be there)
Matt and Jen met us there -- I totally ditched him to go hug Jen because I love Jen hugs.
Everyone in the restaurant sang happy birthday to us :D I always really eat up stuff like that and get really into it, i never get embarassed.
We said goodbye to them and then went back to emmy's for a while, where I got reacquainted with the mosquitos that like to hang out near emmy's porch swing. Jack and Leiman (who i hadn't met before) came over then and then jason and.........hollyyyyyyyyyy :D I ran over to her and gave her my usual seeing-holly-for-the-first-time-this-visit-loud-grunting-violent-hug. Oh, and Nimish showed up eventually.
We couldn't stay there, so everyone decided to go to this karakoe bar thing. I was just like "ehhh ok whatever" ..bars defintely aren't my thing but i was just happy to be there with everyone.
When we got to the place, the bouncer dude looked at my id and said it was a fake and made me go sit on the steps while like these ten security dudes came and looked at it and kept asking me questions. I tried to pretend I was just laughing it off and wasn't worried or anything because Emmy looked kinda scared but I was a litlte nervous, just because they were being assholes about it.
I don't care about what they were doing because I know it's just their job, but I was really nice to them and I wish that they could have been a little more respectful to me. On the id it says my eyes are blue, so they like shined this fucking light in my eyes and were like "your eyes are green" really nastily. And they were like.. laughing at me. Emmy said later on thats what bguged her the most and I was l ike "nahhh they were just having a bad day" but it did kind of hurt me to be disrespected so badly by people I was being really nice and respectful to.
After like...forever, and making me repeat my social security number 50 times, they determined that "we can't prove that its a fake, but you can't prove that its real, and no place down here will take it" despite the fact that at the fucking airport in new york they took it without a question. Good riddance, I don't need any shitty nashville karaoke bar anyway.
We took leslie home and then went over to meet everyone else at cafe coco. nashville nightlife!!!
While I was waiting for my fries this girl started talking to me and I decided I would try to carry on a conversation and flirt with her a ltitle bit just for the hell of it. It's interesting why people do that sometimes, i think. I think a lot of times it comes from this desire to see if you can still "pass" -- if you can be straight enough. I'm totally not like "ewww femininity!! let me go shoot some baby deer to make me a man!" (obviously) but... I dont know, I just do it sometimes withotu thinking about it.
After shovelling my fries down, we went over to asce's to watch X (the anime) -- It seeme dlike something i would have loved, but i hate coming into anime in the middle of it and not starting from the first episode because i never know whats going on, and there were subtitles, and it was dark, and i had along day, so of course i fell asleep. And i feel terrible because whenever asce tries to show me anything i ALWAYS fall asleep, but i can't help it! its not a reflection of what i'm watching at all, its just that whenever the lights go off and i have to focus on something its jus ta reflext that my eyes shut. I wish it worked that fast when i turned the lights off and TRIED to fall asleep.
Around 3 we started to clear out and i gave some half asleep delrious hugs to everyone and wa sall ready to collapse and pass out when i got back to sarah's room, but instead i guess we both got our second winds and stayed up talking till 6am. I loved it -- doing group things is great but i always cherish whatever rare one-on-one time ig et with any of my girls here becuase it happens so rarely, because since i see them so rarely we're always together ina group doing stuff so we can get as much time together as possible. I wish i could get more one-on-one time with emmy!
We had a great conversation ranging from the evils of capitalism to which ninja turtle was the sexiest (michaelangelo, even though he'd annnoy the hell out of me now)
Day 2:
I'm getting exahusted and my contacts are weird so this will be a bit more condensed.
Sarah-friend and I woke up at 2pm, stumbled disgustingly around for a litlte while, and then decided that it would be a really cool way to feel less disguting to go for a hike on the trail that goes around Radnor Lake. I"m so glad we did. One of the only bad things about nasvhille is i'm never reallly physically active when i'm here (except for my vocal cords) so i really neede dthis. IT was one of the most beautiful trails i've ever hiked and we came so close to a baby deer...lots of cool dragonflies and birds...lots of cool sarah/ass talking/venting time.. exercize... probably lots of deer ticks and lime disease i haven't checked for yet.
We picked up lellie afterwards and then came back here to take our desperately needed showers. I'm in love with sarah's bathroom.. she has so many cool vegan products and the awte pressure in the shower is great, i stayed in there WAY too long.
We stopped by emmy's job to pick her up and then we went to eat at ginza, my favourite place to eat down here. ate 12 vegetable rulls, 6 cucumber rolls, a salad, a bowl of rice, and a rice cake with red bean filling (!). I was , of course, still hungry afterwards but it wasn't too bad.
Oh, and heres a nice little piece of news -- I lost the $40 my mom gave me as my birthday present to spend to come down here. I'm a little upset, but at least ididn't lose my camera :D I jus thave...well... literally no money left. at all. but i'll live.
After ginza leslie and emmy went back to emmys to clean and sarah and i went off in search of a wig.
I'm too tired to convey this properly, but we were just on this Mission to get to the mall before it closed to get my wig and we got there JUST as they were closing , we ran inside, ran up to spencers, and they had just closed :O((( other stores were still open but they mustve fu cking closed early! our spirits were crushed.
oh, i needed a wig because i'm doing drag for jen's party tomorrow and sarahs lending me this beautiful black and purple dress and i wanted a longish black wig to go with it.
we tried target, where sarah hopefully proclaimed "wigs?" and was forced to deal with the harsh reality wigs.
We met up with everyone -- i got to see sarah katzman :D -- and we all went to see pirates of the caribbean!!
oh. my. god. I've never been more in love with a celebrity then i am with orlando bloom. i just want to.......make soup for him, and knit socks for him.
(in between fucking the life out of him until his brains popped out of his ears, of course)
but what really surprise dme....and what, much to my chagrin, didn't surprise anyone else, was how much i started crushing on johnny depp in ths movie. Everyone told me that he was really hot in it and theres no way i couldnt like him and i aws just like "no no no i don't like johnny depp at all" and i HATE admitting when i'm wrong.
but i was.
god. this movie was the best porn i've ever seen and no one was even shirtless. I liked it ten times more then i thought i would.. its probably one of the most fun movies i've ever seen i my life and its just the most perfect fun action filled summer movie that doesnt make you think too much but isnt too stupid to make you annoyed its SO fucking entertaining and wonderful and i want to go see it like ten more times in the theatre.
so....yeah, they were right. but i'll let them all keep johnny because orlando is still my man.
we dropped off the youngins ( i sstil cant believe that places have curfews, i can't see how those are legal!) and then we went to coco again, got more fries, finished off emmy and lellie's cheesecakes (.......they wer ejust gonna throw them out, i had no choice!)
my favorite moments here are always ones like these: driving back, moonroof open, windows down, blasting the indigo girls and listening to them singing along. or earlier, when al linday and sarah k were still th ere, doing poison and hedwig and screaming in unison. This is the reason i come down here.
now let me get the fuck to bed :D