
Jul 24, 2003 03:18

Whew... its been a pretty cool couple of days, I wish I wasn't too lazy to write last night because now I have a whole shitload of stuff to say, and everyone complains about how my entries are long enough as it is :p

I just noticed this pair of underwear has a huge gaping hole in the crotch -- how the hell did that happen, and why does everything of mine always rip there?

OK ok focus, let me just get down to it.

Family group yesterday was awesome.. we had a smaller and more intimate group then we had had so far and I was realyl impressed by how much everyone was shared and the maturity of their questions. Sometimes people get all shady and immature when talking about sex and i think we had a really good and really meaningful conversation abotu it, and hopefully we were ab le to dispel some of the myths that people had.

I was in a wodnerful super happy mood after that, I felt realyl proud and accomplished. Leon and I met Amy outside and then we went to VP3, my most favourite favourite restaurant in the entire world, where
was taken (by john, who also went).

I lied to the woman there and said it was Amy's birthday (Super Aries amy, a cancer?!!?!? the thought was incredibly laughable. but i wanted the free red bean bun!) -- I didn't tell Amy about the little chinese kids singing happy birthday because I wanted it to be a surprise.

She was pretty surprised. *I* was surprised taht we didn't get kicked out.

I ordered a second red bean bun after i ate the entire first one. I have a bottomless pit in my belly. Also, the fortune was particularly funny... something about grinding on a pole or something, i forgot specifically what it said.

We went home before 10 which is liek fucking record breaking time for us... jogged home, almost died, got online, the usual.

I talked to Paul on the phone for almost two hours... he was trying to force me to get over my phone phobia. It's still there, but not so much with him... I don't remember the last time I met a person who was so incredibly easy to talk to before, there were no conversation gaps or awkward silences at all which i alawys have, and i was actually frustrated because i wanted to say too many things at once and kept getting flustered.

I think we're gonna be really great friends at school and have lots of fun together!

My mom was being really dramatic last night... I told her that Paul ahad found me a cheaper flight to london that left an hour before the group and she fucking flipped... she was all shaking and crying and i was just like...... ::SIGH:: what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

She's got to be teh most neurotically overprotective person i know (besides my grandmother) I was trying really, really, really, really. really hard to stay patient and calm but I feel bad because i did lose it and yell at her once i think.. she was just being her immature and totally unreasonable self like how she always gets when she freaks out about me doing ANYTHING besides sitting at home playing video games and reading. She thought becasue I wasn't going with the rest of the gorup that I would wind up lost and stranded and allone in the barren wilderness somewhere and then get butt raped by large burly men, or something.

This carried over into today but i figured i might split up today's entries to make them easier for people to read.

So yeah.... the phone conversation was great, having a really realyl satisfying and stimulationg conversation doesn't happen to me too often, especially on the phone, so despite the shit with my mom i was still on a pretty good high. Then Rox and I had some Mario Kart action and then I read some more of It before going to bed.
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