Sep 15, 2008 10:48
I checked out our cats records and realized that a rabies vax does not last for 3 years, like I thought. It's some other vax that does. So I scheduled Chaos and Shadow for their rabies vax updates. They go in tomorrow. Then I called the shelter about 'Bubba" and they could not find my app and think the shelter manager probably has it and patched me through to her voicemail. I left a message and am waiting to hear back. I am insanely anxious about this. I am so completely hoping they won't deny my application for the kitten based on not putting on the application about Kip, and then not remembering him when they called me and then giving him away. *sigh* I just want them to call me back already so I ca get this freakin over with. I won't be horrified if we don't get the kitten. But the waiting to find out, and the explaining our fuck up to the shelter manager is... gh.. one of those thing I don't really want to do but have to.
Trevor started to get anxious last night about school. We dined at a friend's for dinner and before dinner he came up to me and told me he didn't want to go to school tomorrow and he was worried about it. I told him he didn't have to worry right now, he could play with his friend and we would talk about it later. This morning he got a little nervous. He told me his foot hurt and he didn't think he could go to school. I told him I would give him some motrin if he needed it but I wasn't going to keep him home from school for every ache and pain (he complained about his foot Sunday, too, but it didn't stop him from playing with his friend last night). So he finally said "Mommy, I will just keep reminding myself that today is a short day!" And he did! Then when Rachael sighed and said she wished she didn't have to go this morning, Trevor said "Well, every one is in school. So you would have no one to talk to. And after school we get to see Webb and Zea!" Then when I dropped them off, Trevor hugged me and didn't cry. Rachael didn't even say bye, the little monster. She saw her friend in line to go into the building and ran off to talk to her and didn't look back.
So now I am just waiting for that phone call. Grar. Chaos is rocking on his diet... nothing motivates him to move like being hungry. He is currently tearing around the house, batting legos around and caterwauling. He's been more active since being fed less. I really hope we do get this kitten because Chaos does get along with other cats (as long as he can be top cat) and he plays with Shadow and I think he would play with a kitten, too.