Apr 12, 2005 18:59
wow lmfao i find this whole thing fucking hilarious!. its great. im enjoying the amusement. so yeah neway if you kids havent heard me and augie hate eachother and he wants me to die lmfao its geat i love it, never been happier to get rid of a pathedic and useless friend. Yeah the song is quite great too i showeed my mom and she laughed her ass off and was like IS THIS KID A PSTYHO?! haha i was like yeah most likely. and yeah we can refer to him as pathedic fucker now. so yeah oathedcis fucker thinks im ruining his friendship with piper well news flash bud you did it yourself. get over it maybe you shouldnt have been such a bitch. okay so neway i turn 16 tomorrow yay! and cant wait for this weekend, ehh ashlee? lol it'll be great. so umm my sister is close to having her baby boy now i cant wait but dunno how shes gonna spell his name hmm leave that one up to her. so yeah i cant wait for map to be over. ahhh yes.