Oct 22, 2004 22:44
I just got home from the game which white knoll won, once again 31 to 4. Thats a really good thing. Seeing as last year we were White Kn0-11. lol Seeing all these people together at the game made me sick but happy at the same time. Seeing people together now just makes me happy i dont have to be tied down, but upset b/c i miss having someone but whatever, its highschool.
Justin Moorer or w/e decides to be an ass to me today after telling me how much he cares about me and wants to date me. i smell.... BULLSHIT . So yeah i wouldn't hug all over him at the game b/c i hardly know the guy for one, and im not intending on dating him, ne time soon, and now probably ... most likely NEVER. ANd he gets all mad at me b/c im supposedly ignoring him, so he moves away from me at the game and goes rubbing on some other girls. Mhmmm, real pure justin. Whats this whole "im trying to become more serious about girls and hold on to one and have an actual relationship" ... haha once again i smell it...you probably say that to EVERY girl you meet huh? well sorry i can see over that.
Me and Megan don't seem to be as close anymore, and to tell the truth it really doesn't seem to be bothering her. I always go up to her and talk to her, but i never get attempted to talk to. whatever, i get the point, im a loser who has no friends.
But i guess im better off alone for now.