Title: I have found you (JaeMin "Unseen Beauty" verse - Part 4)
Pairing: JaeMin
Genre: AU. fluff. sad.
Rating: PG
Words: 866
Warning: none
Summary: Changmin never really forgot the little kid who was his neighbour many years ago.
Thanks to: my beta
engbreakfast Disclaimer: Don't own DBSK.
haha, I am quite fast with this fic, I am surprised for myself XD''
I have to admit, this one is really Changmin-focus >ö<
I am sorry, I hope it doesn't bother you~
And I actually brought in another member, I hope it came out well~. I never wrote that 'pair' before ^^'' Would be glad if someone can give me feedback on that XD
And I am kinda proud that I seem to always reach my 800 word limit and not under or really above (like not over 900) XDD
other parts:
Really a stranger?! .
When we were children .
The first school day . I have found you .
The Heartbreak .
One Morning Please enjoy and leave a comment ^^
When he first visited the institution to work with disabled people, it seemed friendly but yet distant; a bit like a hospital. He felt relieved for those that didn’t have to stay here.
This institution offers scientists to learn more about the different disabilities and work directly with people who suffer from any kind of these disabilities.
Changmin never really forgot the little kid who was his neighbour many years ago. His name was Jaejoong. He was mute and blind, and yet his smile could brighten not only his face, but the whole world around him.
Since Changmin met that little boy around his age, he has wanted to learn more about people like him and how they lived. He wanted to be friends with Jaejoong, but because it wasn’t possible, he decided at his young age what he wanted to be and do later on in life.
Now, he is 22 years old and has studied to work with disadvantaged people. Some of them need help and he likes to see their gratitude when he is able to help them in any way. But what fascinates him the most are the happy faces that are grateful for everything in their life and who don’t need anyone to live and help them.
Whenever Changmin sees one of these people he has to think of Jaejoong. Jaejoong, who has showed him what it meant to live with a smile and despite any kind of hardship.
On the third day of his two week work at the institution, a name appears on his list that seems too familiar to be true.
“Kim Jaejoong.”
He slowly reads the name and then what kind of disabilities he has. It makes him stop for a moment in his movements.
Changmin suddenly knows that this is exactly the boy he met back then, during his childhood, and he can’t help but to feel excited and a bit scared too.
He knows for sure that Jaejoong doesn’t know him, at least not personally and he probably won’t remember him as his old neighbour’s kid, but maybe now they can finally meet face to face.
With a rush of excitement, like bubbles and funny butterflies inside him, Changmin asks about that man called Jaejoong and gets the answer that he will come in the late afternoon.
Changmin has to work with other people first before he can meet Jaejoong, but all the time he is smiling and sometimes just spacing out when he thinks about the older man.
His last visit before the anticipated meeting is a friend whom he knew even before he began to work here.
Jung Yunho can only see everything in grey shadows and his legs are paralyzed. Changmin got to know him when he came to Seoul and they soon became good friends, sharing similar interests and the love for music.
Sometimes Yunho says that he would be able to endure everything as long as he will be able to listen to music and that he really pities deaf people who can never experience the beauty of music.
Changmin especially likes Yunho’s calm voice and his evenly calm hand movements. He seems to talk more with his hands than with his face and when he speaks, he always use small hand gestures to make his words clear.
Today the two years older man sits in the park and listens to the birds singing for the first time after months.
He greets Changmin when he is only a few meters away with a small smile and a welcoming gesture.
“Come, sit down and listen to the spring coming to life again.”
They sit a moment in silence before Changmin brings up the other man, Jaejoong and how he is excited to meet him and that he knows him from his childhood.
Yunho waits until he is finished before he grins and finally chuckles, getting in response a confused glance from his friend.
“I know Jaejoong. He’s a friend from a long time ago. I’ve known him for a couple of years already.”
The answer shocks Changmin and he sits for a moment, trying to digest the information.
“Okay, well… Tell me about him! I mean, why didn’t you tell me about him before?!”
Yunho laughs again and lays a calming hand on Changmin’s arm.
“Calm down, Min-ah. I think there is no need to tell you anything, since you will meet him today. Why don’t you find out yourself what kind of person he is now?! I’m sure this way it will be more interesting for you.”
The younger one snorts, but then he leans slightly into Yunho’s side and takes his hand.
“But next time you need to tell me more about him, when I have met him, okay?!”
“Okay, that’s fine. And now help me to get back into that damn of a wheelchair.”
They both laugh since they know how much Yunho hates the wheelchair and wants to get out of it as often as possible. But he is right, it’s almost time for Changmin’s next meeting and he always brings Yunho to his apartment, so they better hurry before Changmin’s late for his rendezvous with Jaejoong.