Well, I had a good time at least.

Jul 03, 2009 02:02

So I'm back at my dad's. Let me fill you in on the vacation.

My sister got sent to the hospital in Virginia with a super bad case of pneumonia.
Oh, and my friend was in the hospital for blood clots.
Yay vacations.

Anyway, my sister is with me here, and she's pretty much over it. she's still taking some meds though.
My friend is home too, but she can't really walk too well. The blood clots were in her leg.
She had to stay a bit longer because of complications, but she'll be up sometime next weekend.
And she's on blood thinners for life, so her lifestyle is going to drastically change. No more drugs and alcohol for her.

Errrg. Anyway, I still get to see her. We'll still have our fun.

But damn, this was a doozy of a vacation.


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