So I went and watched
Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix. I'm not sure if I am happy with it yet, there are a number of important things missing from it, although they did have Kreacher in it. They deviated from the plot too, for example - they made Cho the snitch under the use of Veritaserum and not her friend. A number of people have been
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I don't know whether I love Jar Jar or hate him, but I do know he left an impression. He kind of got annoying after a while though. From what I understand though the Star Wars nerds truly hated him, even more so than the ewoks.
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See, I didn't watch Star Wars as a child, my boy friend made me watch them (the first three) the pay off was he reads all the HP books. However I did watch the cartoon Ewoks and I thought they were the cutest little things, I was also about ten years old.
I agree, I have no idea what Jar Jar was there for, from what I understand he was comedic relief of sorts. It seemed like he was responsible for the fall of the empire though, when he signed or nominated the Sith Lord (I forgot his name) into a position of power.
I could've just missed the whole point of that movie too though.
Yay for beta's! Speaking of which, I got a review that said my work was under appreciated. I replied my beta does a decent job at appreciating my work :)
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Well they didn't exactly show too much of the Marauder story line in this one, nor did they show the angst Harry felt about how his father treated Snape.
Well I was supposed to have watched all of the Star Wars movies but only got three done. The rest I just looked up on Wookiepedia.
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