Jun 24, 2005 00:27
waiting at the bustop at 11:25 p.m. and the three buses that pass you by are all three that will not take you home drives one to make the reckless decision to walk back home, yes all 10km of it (ok i lied, 5 stops)
i have a crazy obsession with Freecell.
there's a crazy, chilling sense of finality in the night, under the omnimous cover of the dark. its a dark that breeds desire; and a dark that strikes at the core of your loneliness.
i think about it and i can only think of one answer to evelyn's why. and it's because once again i've fallen for the arm, the shoulder, the warmth. and not...
i so have to quit listening to this song.
But what she sees
Are my faults and indecisions
My insecure conditions
And the tears upon the pillow that I shed
i want to make you. i want to mould you. i want to feel you in my fingers, seeping under my nail, into my skin. i want to feel the electric touch of your skin, the bristling chemistry neither of us can deny. to hide out in your skin, to weld our souls in an intricate pattern of need and pure desire. i need to move you, to taste you; my being cries out for you. i need you, to see me.
I am everything you want
I am everything you need...
But I mean nothing to you
And I don't know why