birthday weekend

Oct 18, 2005 09:19

damn, I really had a great birthday weekend.

I had a great time rocking out with friends on Friday night.

Saturday was beautiful and chilling at the wine festival with friends was something that I needed after the late night.

Saturday Night was one of my most favorite parties we've ever had at the apartment and we've had many. Every one seemed to have a great time and that's all I care about at those things.

Sunday was very nice just spending the day with Missy looking at houses.

Monday, my actual birthday, was the best. But let me go back to Sunday real quick. So, we looked at 3 town houses in Glyndon. The second of which was awesome and quite the steal considering the other two we looked at were not nearly as nice and $25,000 more expensive.

So, we drafted up a contract that night with our realtor because word on the street was that the sellers were being presented with contracts Monday night.

Back to Monday. I don't really put too much stock in the house partially because I don't want to get too excited and also because everyone keeps telling me, "you never get your first contract." Our realtor keeps calling me all day, we make an addendum to the contract because she is on the ball and took some hints from the seller's agent.

By 10 pm, after a lovely dinner with my parents, we get a call from Cindy (realtor) and we got the house! We have a home inspection on the 29th and if that goes well, we're in there. It's a great place in a nice neighborhood with a lot of room for growth all around.

Anyway, that is my birthday weekend. Usually, I never tell people it's my birthday and it goes by and only a select few know about it. This was the first year in a while that I decided to actually do something for it and it turned out to be a great weekend. Thanks to all involved!
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