Indiana Jones and the CFUW 101 Signup

Jul 18, 2009 09:40

Greetings adventurers! The Scout Master has asked me to run a little exercise here, so that's what I'm doing. Most of you know me as Indy, but since this is formal and all, please call me Indiana. There’s a mystery here… and I intend to get to the bottom of it.

The Details

12 De-aged individuals or teams. Yes, everyone playing MUST be de-aged. If you don’t have icons, that’s okay, your character can still be mentally younger even if he/she/it is physically older. Newbie players are welcome.

First night will be the 20th of July, first ousting on the 21st. Ousting will be at 10pm Japan time (which would make it 9am Eastern [8am Central, 7am Mountain, 6am Pacific] for those of you in America; 11pm for those in Sydney and that time zone; 9pm for Singapore. Isn’t math fun?) Ousting will be 1 hour long. You, or a teammate if you have one, must be around for ousting!

I’m hoping to see more Australasian people, but I won’t say no to anyone in any other time zone who wants to sign up! As always, comment here with who you will be playing, your partner if you want one or have one and your email address.

Send any questions/concerns/comments to loquora @

game 101, *signups

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