Aug 13, 2004 21:19
Today was unlike any other day in my whole life...Let me explain or try to but its hard to translate into words, like apples into oranges. Today was the last day and instead of being nice people were still rude to me, but i wasnt, no i was the better person. (well i got an A in Advanced Bake SHop! )i was civil, wished people good luck but it was more sad to me to see old friends who had totally changed and now I feel so indifferent about them i just dont care if i see them again. God people I'd gossiped with and talked about our love lives and even got as far as being possible roomates have been swept out of my life and people who I thought were my friends didn't even take picturs, but I'm not going to dwell, Girls are catty..and I know I will be missed by someone (Heidi you'll miss me right?)
and Ive said it before but what's devastating is when you don't know who your real friends are but by the end people I didnt expect to get close to, well I did! and there were people who felt they could tell me personal things because I care and listen, and i got genuine hugs...and I think I will miss that horrible place!
I took pictures with old and new friends...and its over, just last year I unpacked my things around this time shook people's hands and met CS, Derek, Essy, Tara all of them...and although I'm relieved to be out there are so many things I will miss
movies with Wren
Wrestling with Zach
Biff and Vegas when times were good
BIFF IN GENERAL! i miss her changing in front of everyone and farting and she's so sweet and understanding and loved me no matter what, when other people and there were alot turned their backs on me she didnt! GOD BLESS
Buckhorns, the Toast, at Golden Harvest
Dressing up to go out to eat with Mat, especially for appetizers and desserts at the Blue Mermaid...
Going to Hampton Beach, even with people that probably weren't true friends. but it was a good time
The Chinese Buffet
Drinking in room 221...
Talking to Sasha at night about life...
Random people knocking on the door.
I remember when they still had the upstairs computers...and I even miss people who left like Jen and Donny, and Bobby Joe
Lindsay, don't forget me keep in touch! (and Ian)and i love you Paulie, dear
Pizza Hut with CS and Journey, and his lovely roomate Wendy
all the people who just left A LA Carte..
and my job! I just went there today, and said goodbye and when i took my sunglasses off people didnt know it was me! i hugged alot of people gave out my number and Roberto still owes me a letter of recommendation. i hugged Antoinetta.
And as I left I saw a rainbow, this must be a good omen...i hope it means i have a bright future! and driving home i saw the clouds part, and blue skies in spots.
i also got dinner at MOlise, the chicken with lobster and shrimp and asparagus in a citrus champagne sauce.
It doesn't feel real but it is. IM DONE! FREE! its over.
also, RIP Jalia Childs an inspiration to women chefs and any chef alive. she went to the COrdon Bleu in Paris, I went to the COrdon Bleu in Dover.
Im home, packed up from Bob's house...long trip tommorow but i am so excited, the next few days should be incredible
Happy Friday the 13th!