My Best Friend is
xugly_organistOur 9 common interests are: a static lullaby, alexisonfire, armor for sleep, boys night out, glasseater, saetia, silverstein, the movielife, valandoraWho is your best friend?
Created by
macoto Cryclearblood and anti_elysium share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and autumn_lust share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and big_danny share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and caffeinerow share 6 interests.
Cryclearblood and cauley share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and distant_you share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and ffaffreak share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and finched share 6 interests.
Cryclearblood and fueledbyfire share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and funk_off share 7 interests.
Cryclearblood and hyperhobo share 2 interests.
Cryclearblood and make_you_behave share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and serial_exp share 3 interests.
Cryclearblood and sluttyrecording share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and strangledheart share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and thesneak share 6 interests.
Cryclearblood and x_fozzie_x share 0 interests.
Cryclearblood and xugly_organist share 9 interests.
Pfft, the only person on my friends list I don't talk to is apparently my best friend.