for what they are

May 25, 2014 23:45

it's starting to seep in - the stress is building up in a small quantities, small because i am gripping so tightly on the handle, refusing the bad, panicky, paranoid thoughts. bt1 went well with the calm collected method i want to keep up - but i am painfully aware: that was bt1. this is bt2, then it's prelim and a levels - the whole syllabus is upon us, this time it's different.

there is so much dread, more for the hours and joys i will have to forsake for this terrible thing than anything else - the cramming of 'knowledge' i will come to forget 1-2 months after it's all over. i cannot wait to live out the days after - i am burning with a mixture of rage and passion to make it the most creatively intense yet most enriching months. i can easily rattle off a list of the things i want to do and still leave out a good handful.

1. wallflowers mag interviews - gonna go around interviewing all kinds of people and making the wallflowers mag channel A Thing
2. write and collate and edit for my submission for the hk poetry prize - fingers crossed toes crossed heart crossed; i am not confident but i am hopeful, and i have faith that no matter the outcome i will learn so so much from this
3. 24h script-writing 2015
4. work: barista / bookstore keeper // internship: mfa / sph / nac etc
5. learn korean properly - completely done w being a crazy screaming fangirl but i want to learn this language because i have come to love it (particularly the sound of it)
6. guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. practice singing / go busking w jj / perform somewhere
8. dance: o school / crestar (gonna check w ms s if there's anything i can learn in crestar hahah probably too old for them) - rly want to learn contemp / lyrical hiphop / street jazz
9. paint / sketch (i want to learn watercolour rly badly)
10. general videos of outings / events / thoughts - vlogs???? / documentation of art days w xz
11. volunteer: thinking of the after school care underneath my block
12. run regularly - be able to run 5km continuously (need not be super fast
13. submit works for more things!!!
14. TCN ALUMNI PROD 2015 PLEASE (i am begging the divine powers I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN i miss the stage so much.)
15. audition for things? - theatre productions?
16. explore sg - i find that i have not truly known this country, i have not really looked at it properly.

(this list gives me strength. (deep breath) going to sleep now - i need to rest more than normal; i am so tired from keeping my stress controlled)
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