Aug 01, 2004 21:37
wow...i CANN0T BELiEVE THiS !!! my HUGE entry about AL0T of stuff and Liz and Noels comments just got DELETED!!!!! and the worst part about it is...i HAVE N0 iDEA H0W!!!! ggggRRRR [face]red maybe i'll rewrite it later...yeahh....but anyway...i haven't updated in a REALLY L0NG here it goes...
FRiDAY - G00D-BYE MiSS MANDALA .... HELL0 MRS. H00VER !!!! haaAAaahaha...yESS day started out with Bible Camp's not as bad as it sounds...but then after that i went to tAYLOR's gMAZ and viCT0RiA did the hair and we all gotz ready and them mom took all 3 of us to the CHURCH and we all took peek-a-tures and shizz... BELL and GET A BRA !!! much was that LiKE A GAGILLION DOLLARS!!!??? lol then after that mRS. sEDA took mE viCK and tAYL0R backk to her was quite eventful ;] lol CARRIE * P00T !!! and picturess ;] and a hole lot of other stuFFERz that i cant remember...fUNNAY tiMESseezzz....hEHE
SATURDAY- came home, took a shower and DiDN'T tell mom about the neclace yet...EEKK...oo well..i went to the gMA on the dads sides house in Brooklyn and that was B0RiNG but then i went to the aunts house [momz side] in Staten Island and went out with my cousins ;] hEHE cARZyy niGHT...then slept over there and i'm still here noww HhhAAhhaa i love itt...but im soo tired and gRAMMAMA just got here with F00D...YEEESSSS...soo i'll write more laterr loverrsicless...