so i had to go on an unbareable exercise walk with heartattack dad - thank god he didnt talk to me about anything - other than priming me on being on my best behaviours when tomorrow from saudi
this arrives
this is my cousin - already once before documented on this journal but that was probably about 3 or 4 years ago - so im allowed to rehash old photos... man. i need to use the livejournal capacity for bitching and venting because of said pledge of best behaviour.
this girl is a total TESTA DI CAZZO omg - so annoying. when i met her about 4 years ago for the first time, she basically didnt give me the time of day because i wasnt into shopping and materialistic things and i didnt have 'stuff' - i.e my humble shoestring student loan budget wasnt good enough for her... [or maybe just cos i was a loser who was more interested in books and reading and slightly more mentally stimulating conversation and stuff...]
she's super blue blooded [totes not fair] - firstly she's the daughter of my dads half sister - slightly closer than half tho - since her father is my dads half uncle... yeah that one, - the one whose mother is a saudi princess... the lineage that totally missed my dads batch of the family. nice. anyways - if that wasnt enough - on her fathers side she is related to the shah of persia... [ok so he died, but they get this mad wicked stipend from the iranian government to live off...]
god one week of revision interrupted by this: