May 25, 2005 21:52
as most of you have noticed most of my posts are on my health but this one is gonna be different.
the way i have been feeling lately has been like a roller coaster ride nothing but ups and downs and an occasional twist somewhere along the line. most of my life i have been told how i am never going to amount to anything and how ugly i am but lately its like everything i have heard just replays in my head. most of the time i think i am not worth a damn and most of the time i feel as if people should be lucky i have anything to do with them. i dont know if i am wrong for feeling this way but i am sorry its awfully rude of me to say these things. i may not be the best person in the world but i also know that i am a good person heart and all. my heart is pure as snow and my soul is as pleasent as an ocean breeze.
i mean come on my family insists that i should be working right now but my doctor has ordered me not to work. my friends all tell me that they love me and care about me and then most of them stab me in the back. i have been nothing but good to them and they just go ahead and feel as if they can kick me around and expect me to pick up the friendship where they have ruined it. i am sorry but i am not a sucker for all these stupid ass people that cheat me out of the friendship i deserve. well the 2 most annoying people in the world are my so called friends in ohio they just went and stabbed me in the fucking back. well you know what they can go and fuck off and kiss my ass. my true friends would never hurt so for the next couple days i am going to figure out who my true friends are and keep them closest to me and just turn away from the other ones. so if you are my true friend then leave a message if i dont get a response from you then you are off my list.