Uhm all right I am incredibly bored and about to go out of my mind. Don't know what I'm doing today 'socially', but I do know that I need to clean my room undeniably and weed out the clothes I don't wear anymore, because clothes are usually the reason my room gets so fuckin disgusting.
Went to the boardwalk with helen and steph last night. Good times. Buut I don't feel like typing anymore so yeah.
How to make a cry00baby
1 part intelligence
3 parts silliness
1 part empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little lovability if desired!
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.com CCharismaticOOddLLazyLLovableEExtremeEEasyNNoisy
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Go-Quiz.com cry00baby's LJ stalker is vixen_jynx!vixen_jynx is stalking you because your LiveJournal is just SO damned interesting. They are also leaving anonymous abuse on your journal!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom
Go-Quiz.com Oh, Jazzy...