This is really fucking lazy and says nothing that I'll be proud or interested to look back on, but I can't bear the thought of missing another day and getting three full posts behind.
Ganked from
karaokegal You are sent to the grocery store and can purchase only 5 things. You can only pick one thing from the following departments.. what is it?
1. Produce: Bananas
2. Bakery: Baguette
3. Meat: No thanks
4. Frozen: Quorn "meat"balls
5. Dry goods: Pasta
Let's say we're heading out for a weekend getaway. You're only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what's in your bag?
1. Jeans
2. Grey Howies hoodie with the grey felt heart from
minlliw that I stitched onto it.
3. A change of knickers
If I was to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
1. Hello!
2. Damnit! Kitteh won't get off the laptop!
3. That's disgusting!
4. What time is it?
5. What shall we have for dinner?
So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?
1. Sleeping
2. Eatinig
3. Getting hugs from J
Sweet, you just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
1. Wandering aimlessly round teh internetz
2. A nap
3. making something to eat
4. Maybe go out to Starbucks
5. Watch some episodes of Dexter or Doctor Who or something.
We're going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it'll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?
(I'm unlikely to be at a zoo, but still.)
1. The little shop
2. Seals
3. Snakes and lizards and shit (not literally shit. I know that there's a lot of that in zoos, but I don't think they specifically exhibit it.)
You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on t.v. of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?
1. IT Crowd
2. Mighty Boosh.
3. Torchwood
4. Dexter
You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?
1. Toffee fudge
2. Mint choc chip
3. Vanilla
Somebody stole your bag…in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what's in there?
1. Purse
2. Mobile
3. Blackberry.
4. Strawberry Chapstick (not Cherry. I'm not even a half-arsed lesbian).
5. Tiny umbrella
You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
1. Actor
2. Photographper
3. Graphic designer
4. Writer
If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
1. Just do it, and worry about the consequences later.
2. It's really not worth all that angst.
3. You're not that fat.
4. Keep acting, for god's sake. You're better at that than music.
All shows with humans have been banned from t.v.! What five cartoons will keep you sane for the rest of your life?
1. Ren and Stimpy
2. Family Guy
3. Bagpuss
4. My Friend Totoro
5. Simpsons