Post-a-day 11: Haiku

Nov 12, 2008 23:58

I love haiku. Sylvia Plath once said that a poet must be an expert packer of suitcases, but in order to convey something meaningful in 22 sylables requires one of those pack-a-bag things you can get on QVC that requires a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the spare space. To be concise is not always in my nature, but I do love to try to limit myself sometimes to get down to the precise essence of what I am trying to say. So whilst I have not journalised any poetry since I was about, ooh I dunno, maybe 13, today I regress to lyrical self-indulgence.

Tumultuous thought,
reduced through simmering, gives
distilled consciousness.

poetry, post-a-day

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