(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 16:06

ok so saturday i had a freakn awesome time!!!! got up and went 2 mulligans 2 go golfn with collin... we made bets and stuff he owes me 6 bucks.. uh then went 2 his house and then went 2 pep bowl for a tailgating party... ended not bein one and we had 2 walk 2 hours around detroit (freaky) till we found a bank 2 get money cause they wouldn't take credit cards... pep bowl was FREAKN AWESOME!!!!!!! omg it was crazy that's soo sweeet that Lakes won!!! WE'RE GOIN ALL THE WAY!!!

Sunday was a boring day.. did notn like every boring sunday..
Monday had a soccer district game.. we lost 2-0 to roeper... now our season is over :( im sorta glad but sorta not... lol

Today was alright and now that soccer is over i can finally go 2 the weight room!!! that was the stupid part of playin soccer ...

Bball starts in like 3 weeks or somtn like that!!! cant wait!!!
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