Someday - Chapter One

Jun 21, 2007 15:51

Fandoms: Buffy/Supernatural
Pairing: Faith/Dean
Rating: T+ (For Now)

It had been three weeks since their battle had ended with The Demon. Dean and Sam had been forced to stay in the area to try their best to send back to hell what had been let out. On their list today was finding out a way to destroy the Weside Three. The first stop was a town twenty miles out of Cowboy Cemetery in Wyoming. Dean's Impala was blasting Metallica as it pulled to a stop in front of a small bar. As Sam headed inside, Dean noticed a woman outside on the pay phone. She was wearing a small white tank top and black leather pants that looked like that were made only for her. When she was done with her call, she turned to find him staring at her.


She asked him in a rather rude voice. Dean was a bit taken back. Not only from her attitude, but from everything about her. She was hot, really hot and he would love more than anything to have just one night with her. From the response he was getting from her; he didn't think that would happen anytime in the near future.

"Huh? I'm Dean."

He flashed his best smile at her as he stuck out his hand to be shaken by hers.

"I don't care."

Was her reply as she flashed an equally charming smirk in his direction and went inside the bar. He followed after a few minutes. After spotting his little brother at the bar, Dean took a seat beside him.

"Where were you? Thought I lost you for a second there."

Dean glared at him.

"Geez Sammy, I can't leave you alone for two minutes. I'm not your Goddamn daddy!"

Sam had a comeback, a pretty good one at that, but decided to save it for later. Dean ordered a beer while pulling out a map and notebook from the back waistband of his jeans. He pointed to a small dot on the map.

"This is where we are. All the sightings have been in this area, so the bar is our best bet of finding someone who has seen it."

Sam glanced around the dimly lit room, then back to Dean.

"You sure about that? I mean look around, everyone is either drunk or..."

Sam looked to the patron at his side.


As Dean surveyed the lot of them, he seen her again.

"Except for her."

She was dancing mostly by herself but every once in awhile she'd grab a guy, dance with him for a little bit, then throw him back in the crowd. Dean really wanted to be one of those guys. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"I spoke to her outside. She's not exactly one for chit-chat but I can get her to talk."

Sam rolled his eyes.

"Here we go again. You always have to prove that you can get any girl to spill her guts."

Dean focused on Sam.

"I do not, but I can."

He smirked. Dean looked back to the dance floor, she was gone.

"Where'd she go?"


Sam looked for himself.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to talk to someone else then won't we. What about the bar maid, I am sure you can get her to talk."

Dean glanced at her. She wasn't bad looking but she wasn't gorgeous either. Besides the only person Dean wanted to talk to was that girl. He sighed and finished his beer.

"Eh, what do you say we hit the hay and come back tomorrow when these folks are a bit more sober?"

He was already out the door before Sam heard him and followed leaving a few bucks on the counter.
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