Hold Me (Story by Me)

Apr 06, 2007 04:34

Cruz is standing at Bosco's door with tears running down her face.

Finally, she lays her hand on the door and he just looks at her, all wet and crying. She looks into his eyes and whispers, "Hold me."

The sight of her still disgusts him but he can't help it, he opens his arms and pulls her close. He holds her tightly, just as he always had. He could smell the scent of her shampoo, he loved that smell. She pulled away a little as he shut the door. He guided her to the couch and sat down beside her. He thought he hated her but he it broke his heart to see her cry.

No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't deny that he still cared about her. He always would, he knew that, it would just take awhile to exepct it. She was special to him, made him feel like no other woman ever did or ever could. Finally, Bosco asked, "What's wrong?" All she said was, "Everything". He asked, "What can I do?" "Hold me, Just hold me, Bosco." With that he layed back on the couch as she layed beside him. She loved being held by him, he made her calm, and that was a feat for anyone. She felt his hand on her hip and gently placed hers on top of his. She loved this so much, being close to him, able to touch him, and to feel his warm skin next to hers was the closest thing to Heaven that she had felt in a long time. She had longed for this for what seemed like an eternity. When she placed her hand on his, he pulled her closer to him. He had to admit he missed having her in his arms, how she was the only one who fit perfectly. He assuringly kissed her on the forehead as he saw a smile spread across her face. He loved that smile so much and rarely got to see it. He could feel himself growing attatched to her again, never wanting to let her go. That is what he had been afraid of, he knew that if he let himself get near her he wouldn't let go, it was hard enough the first time. Soon, both were fast asleep, smiling and dreaming, just happy to be holding eachother for the first time in over a year.

It was 2am as Cruz woke up and decided she should leave. She believed Bosco had only held her because he felt sorry for her. She knelt beside him, brushed her hand against his cheek and whispered, "Thank you" into his ear. As she reached the door she heard Bosco say, "You don't have to leave." She froze, "You don't want me to go?" she asked. "The sun's not even up yet. You should stay. I can hold you", he said half-sarcasticly. Cruz let out a small laugh.

"So you gonna stay? You can have my bed." he asked. She nodded her head and smiled, "I'll stay." Bosco made the bed as she changed into one of his tshirts, her favorite one of his. Cruz walked into the room and looked at the bed, "I know it's not your fluffy egyptian cotton but..." She just smiled and rolled her eyes, amazed that he still cared about her after all they'd been though. Cruz climbed into bed and looked at Bosco as she started to say something, she paused. "What?" Bosco asked. "Nothing." "Well, let me know if you decide to tell me the truth." He started to walk away as she said, "Bosco, will you sleep with me?" She asked to a stunned Bosco who could only get out the word "What?!" "I always have had nightmares when I sleep but when I am with you I don't...I feel safe. I need to feel safe tonight Bosco." "I know what you mean, your the only person who can make me feel safe enough to sleep without a light on". Cruz smiled as he changed out of his jeans and climbed into bed beside her. Cruz started to say, "Bosco, will yo-" when he put his arms around her and said "Always".
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