Jun 06, 2008 16:19
Our next installment from "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs".
Defying all expectation, a group of Scottish marine biologist capture a live Loch Ness Monster. In an almost unbelievable coincidence, a bear hunter in the Pacific Northwest shoots a Sasquatch in the thigh, thereby allowing zoologists to take the furry monster into captivity. These events happen on the same afternoon. That evening, the president announces he may have thyroid cancer and will undergo a biopsy later that week.
You are the front-page editor of The New York Times: What do you play as the biggest story?
As for yesterday...
At first I was like, well I don't dream a whole lot, so buying a Dream VCR would be impractical. Then I thought, putting that aside, I think we're al entitled to secrets, and that a lot of those are kept in dreams. But then I said, fuck it, I could always opt not to watch certain dreams right? So yea, I'd go for the dream VCR.