030 - Harry Potter and the Miserable House Garden - [Voice/Action]

Apr 29, 2011 22:05

I know it's been a bit weird since that last experiment, but has anyone seen Neville Longbottom about? He's sort of quiet, likes plants, but friendly? The experiment might've displaced him. Who knows?

[A few moments later.]

Failing that, is anyone good with wizarding plants?

[Herbology had never been one of Harry's better subjects, and it's been a long time since he's bothered to remember anything worthwhile about it. Without Neville to take care of it or Hermione to know how to keep it under control, it's starting to look a mess. Today, Harry's trying to set up lanterns to try and keep the devil's snare under control.]

oh bloody hell, harry potter: wizard gardener, security system maintenance, are you a wizard or not?, housekeeping

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