008 - Harry Potter and the Scientists Who Weren't Very Nice [Action]

Jan 17, 2010 23:03

[Stumbling back to House #26 is a twitchy teenager. Harry's seen better days - he's bruised and bloodied up after being forced to relive and refight battles from his memories. He's got a definite limp, but he's more determined to get back to his safely warded house than to stop and heal himself. He's keeping an eye out for anything else that might ( Read more... )

fml, never getting a day off ever, stupid giant hazardous maze, stupid basilisk, going home now kthx, returning from mallynapping, brb injured, stupid battles i won several books ago, stupid voldemort

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/piles on your tagload. With love. and oh yeah [Action] aphephobic January 18 2010, 05:48:07 UTC
[On his way to visit one wizard, Hisoka crosses the path of a lesser one. Well, now. Apparently for them to meet one had to be bleeding. He approaches Harry briskly, eyes on the outstretched wand.]

Put that thing away before you hurt yourself, Stupid.


It's all good! <3 [Action] cruxofapotter January 18 2010, 05:57:22 UTC
[It's an odd coincidence of fate, isn't it? Harry glares at him.]

Not on your bloody life.


[Action] aphephobic January 18 2010, 06:02:11 UTC
Look, a Dementor's not going to come jumping out of a bush at you. [Having been recently Imperiused in a controlled environment, it's more important than ever to Hisoka for all non-Draco wizards to be wandless at all times. The whole "Harry covered in his own life-juices" thing is a lesser concern.]


[Action] cruxofapotter January 18 2010, 06:16:07 UTC
It's not the Dementors I'm worried about. [Why couldn't you have been a dream? Harry is lowering his wand a little, but he isn't exactly happy about it.]


[Action] aphephobic January 18 2010, 06:24:04 UTC
If it's the Malnosso, that little stick probably won't be much help for you. [He loves you too, Harry.]


[Action] cruxofapotter January 18 2010, 07:04:16 UTC
Maybe not them, but otherwise it's pretty good at defense. [He's been on the defensive for too long.]

Is there something you want, or are you just here to mock me?


[Action] aphephobic January 18 2010, 07:07:42 UTC
You're bleeding. It's kind of an attention-getter.


[Action] cruxofapotter January 18 2010, 07:18:35 UTC
Not my fault entirely. The Malnosso just dumped me back here.


[Action] aphephobic January 18 2010, 13:31:04 UTC
And clearly that means having your wand out now makes a difference. You sure showed them. [Though his eyes are running along Harry's figure with a discerning eye. He's walking around, so he can't be that hurt, but he's not about to leave Harry alone to croak either.]


[Action] cruxofapotter January 19 2010, 03:46:36 UTC
Just because they had me doesn't mean they're what I'm watching for. If some of them were around here, I reckon there'd be more than just me out looking for them. [Harry is skeptical about how Hisoka's looking at him. Honestly, why does he care?]


[Action] aphephobic January 19 2010, 03:52:11 UTC
Whatever. [It's not that he cares as much as he owes Harry the favor. So really it's indirectly Harry's fault for caring in the first place.] So what'd they do to you anyway?


[Action] cruxofapotter January 19 2010, 10:07:48 UTC
[Harry'd say it wasn't a favor, he was just being nice. But we know how much Hisoka believes in that.] I don't want to talk about it.


[Action] aphephobic January 19 2010, 22:34:37 UTC
[He believes in it almost as much as Santa!] Fine. You at least got someone at home to heal you?


[Action] cruxofapotter January 20 2010, 02:14:12 UTC
[And the Tooth Fairy?] A couple of people, yeah.


[Action] aphephobic January 20 2010, 04:44:29 UTC
[Less than the Tooth Fairy, more than the Easter Bunny.] Fine. No dropping dead before you get to them. [He falls into step beside Potter to illustrate this new No-Dead-Wizards rule.]


[Action] cruxofapotter January 20 2010, 08:09:35 UTC
[The Easter Bunny never gets any love.] I'm not going to just drop dead! [Why does this keep happening with people?]


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