Alright I decided to make a very simple and easy tutorial :D
This is not for the icon itself it is merely a technique used to decorate it.
Go from
Alright this is very simple so I will probably screw it up ha...
1. Pick your picture, I picked this wonderful picture of William Moseley from
2. Crop the image, color it, do whatever you want to the icon to fix it or what not. This is what I did.
*Basic hint, rotating an image goes far in cropping ;)*
3. Now create a new layer and fill with black, you may want to lighten the opacity so you know where to put the blob. Now, pick your paintbrush tool, I used size 50, hardness 50, step 32, and opacity 50. It will keep it from looking to rough around the edges. When choosing a color for your blob, pick something that is bright like a bright red, blue, orange, yellow, or anything that will stand out in your icon. This is my layer. Now to make it look even softer use gaussian blur. In PSP9 it is Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur. I used a 9.00 radius. You can change this if you want the color to stand out more, make the number smaller, if you want it to be lighter, make the number bigger. This is what I got for my layer.
4. Now set that layer to screen . Now to get your color to really show up you may have to duplicate the "blob" layer a couple of times to make it stand out.
You are now done, you can add text, brushes whatever you feel necessary. I hope that helped some people!