Yellowstone, Artist's Paintpots

Sep 18, 2008 20:26

There's one area on the west side that purports to be Artist's Paintpots. About a half mile walk from the parking area. I was feeling pretty wimpy (8000' and CHF don't mix well) so I wasn't planning on going up any steep bits. When we got to the first area, the geyser didn't look like much, but then I looked at the area around it. Wow. Lots of subtle coloring, mostly reds, greens and yellows, but the blue sky reflection off the geyser pools supplied that color. I;m sure the effect would have been much more apparent had I been able to manage the 40' climb to the overlook part of the trail.

Alt = 7401 ft
N44 41.558 W110 44.205


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